Main (559) 855-5840 Ag and Rangeland (559) 260-3802

Last month with funding from the California FireSafe Council, SRCD launched a program for fire safety and stewardship education and outreach. Select landowners in Eastern Fresno County will receive an invitation for a voluntary property assessment to learn about best practices and suggestions for making their property defensible from wildfire and managing their forest assets. The goal of this program is to encourage landowners and inform them of additional steps and resources they can take to be a great steward of their forest land.

SRCD team members are working with partners at CalFire, the U.S. Forest Service, and Southern California Edison to form a strategic approach for enlisting landowner participation. Selecting the highest hazard zones and working with partners ensures efficiency and success for this program and for our common goal of protecting our forests and communities for generations to come.

Other partners include NRCS and the Tree Mortality Task Force of Fresno County. Email with any questions.