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The Sierra-Sequoia Burn Burn Cooperative (SSBC) has successfully wrapped up its fall burning season with prescribed burns conducted over three weekends on private property in the Dinkey Creek area at Forked Meadow and Camp El-O-Win.

Prescribed burning is an important tool used to minimize fire hazards and the likelihood of uncontrolled future wildfires that would have the potential to induce significant air quality impacts on the local community. The objectives of SSBC’s burns also include the enhancement of Tribal cultural resources such as food-producing plants and basketmaking materials.

SSBC’s goal is to build a regional, well-funded, working fire culture on the southwestern slope of the Sierra Nevada. They conduct prescribed and cultural burns, train Tribal and other local prescribed fire crews, and preserve and pass on local and Indigenous fire knowledge. They work reduces wildfire risk while protecting water supplies and other cultural and natural resources.